Staying Safe as Society Reopens
Proper cleaning techniques have never been so top of mind as it has been these past weeks. As
businesses begin to reopen it is important to keep your home and family clean, safe, and healthy. The
good news? This is what we do. It’s what we’ve always done. A Clean Slate has always had a gold
standard when it comes to it’s cleaning services. As a result, we’ve been able to provide certainty
through these uncertain times. How you ask? Below are a few highlights of our process and the steps
we’re taking to control the spread of coronavirus.
We disinfect and sanitize surfaces using our all-purpose cleaner, letting it sit for 10 minutes on sinks and
toilets. This kills bacteria and reduces the spread of viruses. In addition, we’ve begun to apply this to
door handles, lowering the spread of unwanted germs and viruses.
We utilize a color-coded system for cleaning cloth and mop pads. This reduces cross contamination by
separating tools used in the bathroom, kitchen, and other areas throughout your home. The microfiber
mop pads are single use items for even further containment. We also utilize HEPA filtered vacuums to
keep any allergens on your floor from escaping back into the rooms.
We’ve taken proactive measures to ensure we’re doing all we can to keep you and your family safe. All
cleaners will wear disposable shoe covers and gloves. These are single use items that will be discarded
after each home. This helps protect everyone. We also practice social distancing. Our process has always
required little to no interaction and we will continue to complete our tasks while keeping a 6-foot
distance. Our cleaners will gladly work around your schedule and needs as many of us are working from
home right now.
Keeping your home clean is important now more than ever. As society begins to reopen, the probability
of the virus spreading and transferring from one place to the next will increase. No matter how much
we’d all like to control that, we can’t. What we can control is the ability to maintain a safe and clean
home. It’s where you go to relax. It’s your sanctuary. It’s the last place you want to think about being
unsafe. Let us help you with that. We’re here to provide peace of mind for you now and into the future.
As we all begin to adjust to this new normal, just know that we’re here to support you and your family.
We’re doing everything within our power to keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy. We will all get through
this together.
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